

  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • Brenock O'Connor Toby Murray Aaron Swartz Julie Hoult Tommy O'Neill Jonathan Hansler 
  • 本片由Ewan Gorman编剧并导演的一部儿童动作冒险片,讲述了关于两个小男孩Sam Aldrington(Brenock O'Connor 饰)和Raphael Greaves(Toby Murr本片由Ewan Gorman编剧并导演的一部儿童动作冒险片,讲述了关于两个小男孩Sam Aldrington(Brenock O'Connor 饰)和Raphael Greaves(Toby Murray 饰),因为强烈的好奇心,通过一只大猫联想到可怕的怪物,于是他们决定在城市边缘的森林中寻找神秘生物。电影具有科幻、神秘和冒险的元素,导演充分利用孩童的好奇心,把所有这些元素都是混合在一起,使得本片呈现的更加魔幻。
  • 音乐 歌舞 剧情 
  • 玛丽亚·凯莉 Kirk Franklin Khalid Traci Swartz 
  • “Mariah’s Christmas: The Magic Continues” is a highly anticipated holiday special that will reveal t“Mariah’s Christmas: The Magic Continues” is a highly anticipated holiday special that will reveal the first and only performance of the multi-Grammy Award-winning global icon’s new single, “Fall in Love at Christmas.” Mariah Carey is joined by Grammy-nominated worldwide artist Khalid and Grammy-winning legend Kirk Franklin, as they bring the spirit of Christmas to fans around ...
  • 伦理 百度云伦理 
  • 詹姆斯·斯派德 霍利·亨特 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 黛博拉·卡拉·安格 罗姗娜·阿奎特 彼得·麦克内尔 Yolande Julian Cheryl Swarts 朱达·卡茨 妮基·瓜达尼 Ronn Sarosiak 博伊德·班克斯 Markus Parilo Alice Poon John Stoneham Jr. 大卫·柯南伯格 乔丹 
  • 电影制片人詹姆斯(James Spader 饰)沉迷于性事,在女友凯瑟琳之外尚有不少情人。一次开车回家的路上他与另一辆车相撞,詹姆斯腿部重伤,对面车中的夫妻两人则丈夫死亡妻子海伦(Holly Hunt电影制片人詹姆斯(James Spader 饰)沉溺于性事,在女友凯瑟琳之外尚有不少情人。一次开车回家的路上他与另一辆车相撞,詹姆斯腿部重伤,对面车中的夫妻两人则丈夫死亡妻子海伦(Holly Hunter 饰)挂彩,詹姆斯在报废车场偶遇海伦,两人由此结识,不久海伦带他观赏了由医生沃甘掌管的撞车活动,这些喜好者热衷用真实的撞车恢复某些事故,詹姆斯进入了一个匪夷所思的圈子。沃甘身份奥秘,宣扬撞车是释放自我的有效途径,为此不惜以身犯险。随着詹姆斯与沃甘的交往不时加深,两人终于在车上发作了关系,而随后沃甘驾车撞击詹姆斯与凯瑟琳却致使自己死亡。詹姆斯大难不死后又驾驶者一辆废旧汽车撞向了凯瑟琳…… 本片获1996年加拿大吉尼奖导演奖等多项褒奖。
  • 恐怖 电影 
  •  布兰登·奥雷 Reine Swart Deànré Reiners Thandi Puren 
  • Returning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van HeeReturning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van Heerden (19) tries to come to terms with motherhood. Despite the support from her loving mother, Ruby (35), Chloe struggles with the demand of being a new mom. The incessant crying of her baby, the growing sense of guilt and paranoia sends Chloe into a dark depression. With a heightened urge to protect her son, Chloe sees danger in every situation. Distraught she pays a visit to family psychologist Dr. Timothy Reed (40s) who diagnoses her intrusive thoughts and feelings of anxiousness to a mild case of baby blues. Yet the thoughts grow worse and more violent. Chloe starts to hear voices and humming of a childhood lullaby and sees flashes of a strange entity around her child. Convinced that the entity is real, Chloe does everything in her power to protect her son. Her decline reaches fever pitch, and everybody seems to be moving against her. Desperate, Chloe finds solace in the arms of her
  • 科幻 电影 
  • David Bradley John Rhys-Davies Todd Jensen 罗恩·斯莫克扎克 Alonna Shaw Rufus Swart 约翰·里斯·戴维斯 
  • 杰克屯非得二兄弟是美国缉毒组织的优秀组员,杰克某次为救人质而开枪误伤绑匪,被探用枪不当,被判离开警界某日收到菲利寄自圣吉士的玩具包裹,竟然发现一卷菲利求救的录音带,于是杰克独自去寻找菲利的下落,没想到杰克屯非得二兄弟是美国缉毒组织的优秀组员,杰克某次为救人质而开枪误伤绑匪,被探用枪不当,被判离开警界某日收到菲利寄自圣吉士的玩具包裹,竟然发现一卷菲利求救的录音带,于是杰克独自去寻找菲利的下落,没想到菲利被改造成一个执法杀人的工具的机械人......
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 布兰登·奥雷 ReineSwart DeànréReiners ThandiPuren 
  • 96分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.8Returningtoherhometown,EdenRock,andoverwhelmedbythebirthofherfirstborn,ChloevanHeerden(19)triestocometotermswithmotherhood.Despitethesupportfromherlovingmother,Ruby(35),Chloestruggleswiththedemandofbeinganewmom.Theincessantcryingofherbaby,thegrowingsenseofguiltandparanoiasendsChloeintoadarkdepression.Withaheightenedurgetoprotectherson,Chloeseesdangerineverysituation.DistraughtshepaysavisittofamilypsychologistDr.TimothyReed(40s)whodiagnosesherintrusivethoughtsandfeelingsofanxiousnesstoamildcaseofbabyblues.Yetthethoughtsgrowworseandmoreviolent.Chloestartstohearvoicesandhummingofachildhoodlullabyandseesflashesofastrangeentityaroundherchild.Convincedthattheentityisreal,Chloedoeseverythinginherpowertoprotectherson.Herdeclinereachesfeverpitch,andeverybodyseemstobemovingagainsther.Desperate,Chloefindssolaceinthearmsofher