

  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 弗里德里克·贝希特 克里斯蒂安·乌蒙 纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯卡亚特 Rainer Reiners 卢卡斯·赖伯 Nils Dörgeloh 塞巴斯蒂安·阿基里斯 Eugene Soel Boateng 
  • 贝克(克里斯蒂安·乌蒙 饰)是一名音乐老师,日复一日重复着同样的工作,他感到精疲力尽,不认真授课,叫错同学的名字,仿佛游魂一样的生活着。他的班上有一名叫做Rauli Kantas(纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯  贝克(克里斯蒂安·乌蒙饰)是一名音乐老师,日复一日重复着同样的工作,他感到精疲力尽,不认真授课,叫错同学的名字,仿佛游魂一样的生活着。他的班上有一名叫做RauliKantas(纳威尔·佩雷兹·毕斯卡亚特饰)的学生,一次偶然,他发现了这名学生在音乐方面的天赋,这让他眼前一亮。从此他经常与RauliKantas一起出入学校,与朋友一起挖掘RauliKantas的天赋,教他如何正确的走上音乐之路。在与RauliKantas的相处过程中,贝克逐渐找回了久违的激情与动力……@m.yakutv.cc
  • 恐怖 电影 
  •  布兰登·奥雷 Reine Swart Deànré Reiners Thandi Puren 
  • Returning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van HeeReturning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van Heerden (19) tries to come to terms with motherhood. Despite the support from her loving mother, Ruby (35), Chloe struggles with the demand of being a new mom. The incessant crying of her baby, the growing sense of guilt and paranoia sends Chloe into a dark depression. With a heightened urge to protect her son, Chloe sees danger in every situation. Distraught she pays a visit to family psychologist Dr. Timothy Reed (40s) who diagnoses her intrusive thoughts and feelings of anxiousness to a mild case of baby blues. Yet the thoughts grow worse and more violent. Chloe starts to hear voices and humming of a childhood lullaby and sees flashes of a strange entity around her child. Convinced that the entity is real, Chloe does everything in her power to protect her son. Her decline reaches fever pitch, and everybody seems to be moving against her. Desperate, Chloe finds solace in the arms of her
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 布兰登·奥雷 ReineSwart DeànréReiners ThandiPuren 
  • 96分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.8Returningtoherhometown,EdenRock,andoverwhelmedbythebirthofherfirstborn,ChloevanHeerden(19)triestocometotermswithmotherhood.Despitethesupportfromherlovingmother,Ruby(35),Chloestruggleswiththedemandofbeinganewmom.Theincessantcryingofherbaby,thegrowingsenseofguiltandparanoiasendsChloeintoadarkdepression.Withaheightenedurgetoprotectherson,Chloeseesdangerineverysituation.DistraughtshepaysavisittofamilypsychologistDr.TimothyReed(40s)whodiagnosesherintrusivethoughtsandfeelingsofanxiousnesstoamildcaseofbabyblues.Yetthethoughtsgrowworseandmoreviolent.Chloestartstohearvoicesandhummingofachildhoodlullabyandseesflashesofastrangeentityaroundherchild.Convincedthattheentityisreal,Chloedoeseverythinginherpowertoprotectherson.Herdeclinereachesfeverpitch,andeverybodyseemstobemovingagainsther.Desperate,Chloefindssolaceinthearmsofher