

  • 恐怖 电影 
  •  布兰登·奥雷 Reine Swart Deànré Reiners Thandi Puren 
  • Returning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van HeeReturning to her home town, Eden Rock, and overwhelmed by the birth of her first born, Chloe van Heerden (19) tries to come to terms with motherhood. Despite the support from her loving mother, Ruby (35), Chloe struggles with the demand of being a new mom. The incessant crying of her baby, the growing sense of guilt and paranoia sends Chloe into a dark depression. With a heightened urge to protect her son, Chloe sees danger in every situation. Distraught she pays a visit to family psychologist Dr. Timothy Reed (40s) who diagnoses her intrusive thoughts and feelings of anxiousness to a mild case of baby blues. Yet the thoughts grow worse and more violent. Chloe starts to hear voices and humming of a childhood lullaby and sees flashes of a strange entity around her child. Convinced that the entity is real, Chloe does everything in her power to protect her son. Her decline reaches fever pitch, and everybody seems to be moving against her. Desperate, Chloe finds solace in the arms of her
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Richard Grieco 乔安娜·帕库拉 Thandi Puren 罗恩·斯莫克扎克 Russel Savadier 朗格利·科伍德 Brendan Pollecutt Gregg Viljoen 
  • 西蒙在广告大奖中获得了最高的奖项,每一个人都为之庆贺,而他的对头则想着从他那里挖墙脚,让西蒙的公司倒闭,事情发生的也很顺利的样子,可是谁也没有想到西蒙和他的妻子有一个计划,他们喜欢玩生死游戏,他们打算西蒙在广告大奖中获得了最高的奖项,每一个人都为之庆贺,而他的对头则想着从他那里挖墙脚,让西蒙的公司倒闭,事情发生的也很顺利的样子,可是谁也没有想到西蒙和他的妻子有一个计划,他们喜欢玩生死游戏,他们打算将计就计,接下来会发生什么呢?
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 布兰登·奥雷 ReineSwart DeànréReiners ThandiPuren 
  • 96分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.8Returningtoherhometown,EdenRock,andoverwhelmedbythebirthofherfirstborn,ChloevanHeerden(19)triestocometotermswithmotherhood.Despitethesupportfromherlovingmother,Ruby(35),Chloestruggleswiththedemandofbeinganewmom.Theincessantcryingofherbaby,thegrowingsenseofguiltandparanoiasendsChloeintoadarkdepression.Withaheightenedurgetoprotectherson,Chloeseesdangerineverysituation.DistraughtshepaysavisittofamilypsychologistDr.TimothyReed(40s)whodiagnosesherintrusivethoughtsandfeelingsofanxiousnesstoamildcaseofbabyblues.Yetthethoughtsgrowworseandmoreviolent.Chloestartstohearvoicesandhummingofachildhoodlullabyandseesflashesofastrangeentityaroundherchild.Convincedthattheentityisreal,Chloedoeseverythinginherpowertoprotectherson.Herdeclinereachesfeverpitch,andeverybodyseemstobemovingagainsther.Desperate,Chloefindssolaceinthearmsofher