

  • 恐怖 电影 
  • NatashaHenstridge DominiqueSwain LinShaye 
  • PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Something else is already living in their new home and it is growing stronger every day. It has claimed many victims including the last owners of the house. Repairmen who journey down into the basement soon meet a horrible end. When Paul is taken over by this demonic entity, it is no longer trapped within the walls and is quick to take advantage of all pleasures of the flesh. Jennifer and her younger sister KAREN begin to suspect that something is wrong with Paul. Karen finds out the truth a hard and painful way, leaving Jennifer alone to fight the demonic entity that has possessed her husband and threatens to destroy her very soul. And Paul is not the only one transforming as Jennifer soon discovers that the black room is not only evil but alive as well and may not be able to be stopped!
  • 西部 电影 
  • Kevin Sorbo ... Sheriff Preston Biggs Dominique Swain ... Abigail 
  • 81 分钟
  • For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the   Forsome,theWesterntrailwasadestinationforoppurtunityandadventure.Forothers,itwasthecenterpiecefordangeranddespair.Whenex-lawmanPrestonBiggsishiredtoescortagroupofwomensufferingfromprairiefeverbacktocivilization,theyaremetbyakillergangintentonstoppingtheirpassage.Withaseeminglyimpossiblejourneyahead,thegroupfindsonel...
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Brad Renfro Dominique Swain Keram Malicki-Sánchez 
  • 94 分钟
  • 简介:一个夏令营的主管突然受伤,于是参加夏令营的少年们主动承担起维持和掌管夏令营日常活动的职责。  一个夏令营的主管突然受伤,于是参加夏令营的少年们主动承担起维持和掌管夏令营日常活动的职责。
  • 动作 电影 
  • DominiqueSwain MichaelParé OlegTaktarov 
  • 93
  • 一组干练的雇佣军发明自己被美国政府出卖,被迫卷入战役…一组干练的雇佣军发明自己被美国政府出卖,被迫卷入战役…
  • 欧美 
  • 碧·桑托斯 阿提克斯·米切尔 基娜·巴斯蒂达斯 adam swain 亚历山大·埃利奥特 
  •  母亲不幸逝世后,16岁的弗兰克哈代和12岁的弟弟乔从大城市搬到母亲的家乡布里奇波特避暑。他们的父亲,芬顿,确信他的妻子劳拉的死不是偶然的,并留下了他们的阿姨,由于他清查线索男孩。弗兰克和乔末尾自 母亲不幸逝世后,16岁的弗兰克哈代和12岁的弟弟乔从大城市搬到母亲的家乡布里奇波特避暑。他们的父亲,芬顿,确信他的妻子劳拉的死不是偶然的,并留下了他们的阿姨,由于他清查线索男孩。弗兰克和乔末尾自己解开谜团,结果发现秘密比他们想象的还要深。当孩子们末尾置信杀害他们母亲的凶手在布里奇波特,突然城里的每集团都成了嫌疑犯时,顺应新环境的义务就变得愈加困难了!
  • 剧情 喜剧 爱情 电影 
  • 查理·卓别林 Mack Swain 乔治亚·黑尔 亨利·伯格曼 Tom Murray 麦克·斯维恩 Malcolm Waite 马克·斯旺 
  • 流浪汉查理随着大批贫民到阿拉斯加淘金,踉跄地跑进通缉犯拉逊躲藏的小木屋。拉逊想把查理赶出屋外,不料大风又把一名魁梧的寻矿人吉姆吹了进来。吉姆抢到拉逊的枪,宣称自己是木屋的主人。暴风雪太大,三人饿得受不流浪汉查理随着大批贫民到阿拉斯加淘金,踉跄地跑进通缉犯拉逊躲藏的小木屋拉逊想把查理赶出屋外,不料大风又把一名魁梧的寻矿人吉姆吹了进来。吉姆抢到拉逊的枪,宣称自己是木屋的主人。暴风雪太大,三人饿得受不了。卓别林的作品中浸透了小人物辛酸的微笑和无奈的自嘲。他们一方面身份卑微,穷困潦倒,令一方面又有着善良的意愿和小人物的狡猾。在历尽艰辛之后,最终得到了属于他们的幸福。卓别林本人最钟爱的作品,也是他最有趣的作品之一,在多项世界性的影史十大佳作评选中均居前列,堪称是一部永垂不朽的喜剧。本片的故事情节取材自唐纳尔派幕的短篇小说,但由卓别林加入了很多想象力丰富而且喜剧效果出色的素材,像经典的“煮食皮靴”场面,以及“小包面舞”、“带狗跳舞”、“别人打架而枪总对着自己”,“悬崖木屋险象横生”等,都成为后世参考模仿的对象。在影片的风格上,本片将滑稽叙事、悲剧色彩、抒情韵味三者作巧妙的平衡结合,使它成为别林作品中更上一层楼的成熟期代表作。往后的作品增加了不少社会批判色彩,反不如本片直接关注十九世纪末阿拉斯加淘金潮中的小人物来得那么单纯和乐观。