

  • 欧美 
  • Jeff Wilbusch Aaron Altaras Merlin Rose Maria Dragus 
  •   In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offende  In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offenders is undergoing an experiential educational program intended to rehabilitate them. All of a sudden, a member of the program dies a violent death. Nobody knows exactly what happened, and the youths face a difficult decision. Should they wait for the authorities to recover the body and investigate the crime? Or, escape and take their fate into their own hands? The group doesnt have much in common with each other, though one thing unites them; all of them have had really bad experiences with the authorities and don‘t expect to be treated fairly. Since they dont know who the perpetrator is, they only have one option: to run. Up the mountains, up the highest peaks of the Alps. It seems hopeless until they stumble onto a complex cave system where they can find shelter from wind, weather, and their pursuers. In their fight against the forces of nature, they form their own society, according to their own rules: the Wild Republic.
  • 马泰 泰剧 欧美 
  • Hun Haqeem Sofia Jane Sherie Merlis Meerqeen Sara Ali Mohd Syafie Naswip 
  • 60分钟
  • When eight strangers wake up in a mansion guarded by an elderly woman with a hunched back (Nenek), tWhen eight strangers wake up in a mansion guarded by an elderly woman with a hunched back (Nenek), they soon realise that they chuguifang.com are being held hostage, not only in the mansion and its surrounding forest, but in an entirely unfamiliar dimension altogether. With a sinister threat looming, the eight are left with no choice but to complete a series of 'games' created ...
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 萨布丽娜·费里利 路易莎·拉涅瑞 法布里齐奥·本蒂沃利奥 尼诺·弗拉西卡 克劳迪亚·扎内拉 Emanuel Caserio 洛伦扎·因多维纳 Stefano Fresi Pasquale Petrolo 特奥·特科利 Pilar Fogliati Daniele Camerlingo Chiara Bianchino Francesco Sole Adriano Accrocca 
  • 95分钟
  • 电影描绘了几位年近半百的人们及他们身边的家人和爱人的有趣生活 ,年龄的增长给他们每个人的生活都带来了一些问题。迭戈因电台要引入年轻血液而被替换,因不满电台安排辞职,之后却遭遇了更多的不顺利。单身的安吉  电影描绘了几位年近半百的人们及他们身边的家人和爱人的有趣生活,年龄的增长给他们每个人的生活都带来了一些问题。迭戈因电台要引入年轻血液而被替换,因不满电台安排辞职,之后却遭遇了更多的不顺利。单身的安吉拉一直找不到适合的伴侣,她听从闺蜜的意见和年轻男士约会,却意外的约到了闺蜜的儿子。五十岁的乔治有一位年轻貌美的女友,但却不经意间喜欢上一位与自己年龄相近的理疗师斯特凡尼娅,他谎称自己是单身,并和她偷偷约会,让自己陷入窘境。弗兰科在大家眼中是一位不服老的运动健将,可他因年事已高,心脏已经不能承受太多剧烈运动,但是运动确实他唯一可以让他不去想念已故妻子的办法。年龄问题给他们每个人都带来不同的困扰或尴尬的遭遇。但在一番挣扎之后,他们都找到了更加适宜自己的生活方式。@m.yakutv.cc
  • 剧情 同性 电影 
  • IgnacioRogers EstebanMasturini BlasFinardiNiz JoaquínParada RenataCalmon MaríaMerlino 
  • 77分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.9 / IMDB N/A埋藏于心底的已往,随着岁月,早已慢慢澹忘,但一次重遇,所有回想竟然再次返来。这次,能好好掌握吗?儿时挚友Matias和Jeronimo,在一次开学前的情慾觉悟中,跟对方产生了超出友情的关係。Matias的爸爸为了禁止这段关係生长,接收了一份远方的事情。Matias被迫分开小镇,跟Jeronimo断绝交往。十年之后,Matias早已结识了女友,并决议回到小镇,到场嘉年华会的盛事。谁料,他就在此时重遇Jeronimo,二人爱火再度重燃,更越演越烈。这次,Matias又会如何选择?
  • 惊悚 喜剧 电影 
  • 威廉·狄凡 Cathleen Nesbitt 芭芭拉·哈里斯 凯伦·布莱克 布鲁斯·邓恩 艾德·劳特 凯瑟琳·海蒙德 Warren J·Kemmerling 
  • 茱莉亚(CathleenNesbitt饰)年事已高,家财万贯,可是没有子嗣,也就没有名正言顺的继承者,为此,她找到了女巫师布兰奇(芭芭拉·哈里斯饰)茱莉亚告诉布兰奇,她的妹妹曾有一个私生子,被她送给别茱莉亚(CathleenNesbitt饰)年事已高,家财万贯,可是没有子嗣,也就没有名正言顺的继承者,为此,她找到了女巫师布兰奇(芭芭拉·哈里斯饰)茱莉亚告诉布兰奇,她的妹妹曾有一个私生子,被她送给别人抚养,如今,她想找到这个可怜的孩子,让他继承家产。就这样,布兰奇和情人乔治(布鲁斯·邓恩饰)一起展开了调查,得知领养茱莉亚外甥的那个家庭全员葬身于大火之中,而放火的不是别人,正是他们想要找的那个人——爱德华(威廉·狄凡饰)。如今的爱德华改名换姓,成为了一位珠宝商,狡猾的他害怕当年的罪行曝光,于是雇佣了当年帮他脱罪的马罗尼(艾德·劳特饰),让他将布兰奇一行人杀死。
  • 伦理 
  • 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 费尔南多·雷依 Adalberto Maria Merli 
  • 本片女主角是一个颇有名望的先锋派作家,男主角是一个爱管闲事、不谙艺术的百万富翁。某天在露天咖啡馆,女的突然向他展示外套里面没穿内衣的L体。丛此他便着了迷,他安排女的跟一个她的书迷在他的豪宅会面,后面的本片女主角是一个颇有名望的先锋派作家,男主角是一个爱管正事、不谙艺术的百万富翁。某天在露天咖啡馆,女的突然向他展现外套外面没穿内衣的L体。丛此他便着了迷,他布置女的跟一个她的书迷在他的豪宅会面,前面的事情完全出乎他的预料。影片剧情可以有很多不同的解读,显示晚年的布努艾尔虽然流于方式化,但对事实和虚幻的迷恋依然不减。只适宜超级布努艾尔迷。