

  • 剧情 电影 
  • DaisyBroom FinneganOldfield LorenzoLefèbvre 
  • 豆瓣 5.7 / IMDB 5.5Inthewell-to-dosuburbsofasmalltown,agroupofprettyaverage,well-adjustedsixteenandseventeenyearoldsareordinaryadolescentswhotakeasingularpath.
  • 动作 
  • 约翰·迪尔 珍·路易莎·凯利 Haley Finnegan 凯文·麦克克科尔 
  • 98
  • Out of the Wild is the story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drOut of the Wild is the story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drink away. Living on his last dollar with nowhere to go, he ends up working the last place an old cowboy wants to be: A dude ranch. It is here he meets the owner, Jessie King, a no-nonsense rancher with a deep love for horses. McBride's self-discovery begins when she introduces him to a new way of training a troubled mustang, a horse whose past and temperament mirror his own. As the story brings together the paths of these two beaten souls, man and horse, it is King that sees a shared spirit deep within them- One that is hidden beneath anguish, torment, and years endured in the darkest of places. Behind the broken heart of a family lost, a soul tormented with guilt, and an endless haze of booze to dull the pain, she knows McBride is at heart a good man. Just as she knows the mustang can once again find that spirit, so too must McBride. What transpires is a story of redemption, moving McBride beyond even his deepest wounds to discover a life he never thought possible.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Dane Bowman Chris Ciccarelli Barry Finnegan 
  • 87
  • 一群高中戲劇社成員在畢業20年之後重聚一堂,從懷念過往美好回憶,到探討政治、種族、性向等議題,一見如故的老友們無話不談;然而,在酒精的催化下,成員們的秘密與陰影也漸漸浮現,彼此價值觀差異與過去的情感糾一群高中戲劇社成員在畢業20年之後重聚一堂,從懷念過往美好回憶,到探討政治、種族、性向等議題,一見如故的老友們無話不談;然而,在酒精的催化下,成員們的秘密與陰影也漸漸浮現,彼此價值觀差異與過去的情感糾葛,為這場難得的同學會帶來無法預期的變數…