

  • 爱情 同性 奇幻 泰剧 欧美 电视 
  • 萨澜·鲁杰耶拉塔纳福拉潘 纳塔西特·尤阿瑞克西 塔巴纳瓦·高根鲁 查维缇彭·普颂基缇萨库尔 泰钦·派伊桑皖 拉皮帕·埃潘库 Yokyek Chernyim Ufa Nattawat Tunkaew Mickey Nathanon Thananonchotikul 
  • 作家Prang @Prangauthor小说 #2Worlds 即将改编拍摄剧集  与父亲一起住在山里的青年Kram跟Phupha两人彼此产生感情,但Phupha 在得知 Kram和他未婚夫的婚礼作家Prang @Prangauthor小说 #2Worlds 行将改编拍摄剧集  与父亲一同住在山里的青年Kram跟Phupha两人彼此发作感情,但Phupha 在得知 Kram和他未婚夫的婚礼行将举行后感到懊丧,回到他父亲身边,发作了一件意想不到的事情…  Kram没有继续婚礼,Phupha前往到他身边一同生活。四年后,Phupha接到父亲打来的电话,要他回去运营家族的生意,但他拒绝了这个提议。几天后,Kram回到家,发现了Phupha冰冷的身体,失掉伴侣后,他十分痛苦。不得不告别的时分到了,  Kram分开传说的中与另一个世界相连的井,听说能经过它与逝者交流。他把Phupha给他的项链抛进井里,但又悔恨了,跳进了井里寻觅。但是,水下旋涡把他吸进了井底,他分开了一个平行世界,world II是world I的五年后,他找不到自己的房子,迷路了,在这个世...
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Dmitriy Bogdan Pyotr Chernyaev Nikita Dzhigurda Darina Griboedova Irina Grineva 
  • 不走运的达莎认为,这将有助于在线培训——用一个月的时间访问30个约会对象,然后她的梦中情人就会找到她。  UnluckyDashabelievesthatitwillhelptheonlinetraining-foramonthvisitthe30dates,andthenthemanofherdreamswillfindher.Justtostayaliveafterameetingwithcrazycavalryandtrytodiscernamongthemtheperfectman.
  • 剧情 喜剧 
  • Chusak Aiemsuk Jaturong Mokjok Mic Thongraya Nui Chernyim 
  • Kuad and Kai are siblings who are apart from one another since their childhood. Kuad is brought up iKuad and Kai are siblings who are apart from one another since their childhood. Kuad is brought up in a slum and supports his life by playing gambling whereas Kai is with his grandmother. When an accident causes grandmother to be in a coma and need more money for the cure, Kai begins searching for his brother Kuad. Things turn upside down when the siblings reunite to take their chance in a gambling house to get the money for grandmother.