

  • 动画 冒险 动漫电影 动画电影 动漫 
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  • WhenamysteriousanddangerouswhirlpoolphenomenonappearsinthetropicsoftheAtlanticOcean,BelkaandStrelka,WhenamysteriousanddangerouswhirlpoolphenomenonappearsinthetropicsoftheAtlanticOcean,BelkaandStrelka,thefirstastronautsontheirwaybackfromamissiontoSaturn,aresenttoinvestigate.Astheyventuredownintotheswirlingoceandepths,theydiscoveramysteriousUFOattemptingtostealallofEarth’swater.Withthehelpoftheirgoodfriends,BelkaandStrelkaonceagainperformaheroicmissiontosavebothourplanetandthedistanthomeoftheirnewalienfriends.
  • 动漫 
  • 未知
  • 哈维是一个聪明但有点太生动的男孩,他有一个野心,完成他的电脑游戏的最后一关一旦进入玩家名人堂,他心猿意马的父亲就会为他感到自豪。但是,游戏的完毕只是真正冒险的末尾,带着Harvie,他的狗Jerry,哈维是一个聪明但有点太生动的男孩,他有一个野心,完成他的电脑游戏的最后一关一旦进入玩家名人堂,他心猿意马的父亲就会为他感到自豪。但是,游戏的终了只是真正冒险的末尾,带着Harvie,他的狗Jerry,和他的冤家Monica进入了被遗忘的城市旧木偶博物馆。
  • 动漫电影 电影 
  • 未知
  • Harvie is a smart but a bit too lively boy with one ambition, to finish the last level of his computHarvie is a smart but a bit too lively boy with one ambition, to finish the last level of his computer game. Once in the Gamers Hall of Fame, his absent-minded father, would finally be proud of him. But finishing the game turns out to be only the start of a real adventure that takes Harvie, his dog Jerry, and his friend Monica deep into the forgotten realms of the city's old puppet museum.