

  • 惊悚 电影 
  • 费奥纳·肖 爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 杰克·劳登 克洛伊·皮里 安东·莱瑟 
  • 故事讲述男友意外逝世,精力懦弱的女友怀着孕来到了男友的家庭中,男友的家人对她的每个举措都时时存眷。由于精力幻觉的困扰,她对男友家人的意图发生了疑惑。故事报告男冤家不测往世,精神懦弱的女友怀着孕分开了男冤家的家庭中,男冤家的家人对她的每个举措都不时关注。由于精神幻觉的困扰,她对男冤家家人的意图发生发火了疑惑。
  • 剧情 家庭 冒险 电影 
  • Mateusz Janicki Sandra Drzymalska Maria Debska 
  • 110分钟
  • Mr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. SMr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. Samochodzik. He owed his nickname to an unusual vehicle inherited from his uncle-inventor. This car, although ugly, "a cross between a canoe and a wheelbarrow", as the malicious people called it, had incredible capabilities: with a Ferrari 410 engine, it could run at a speed of 28...
  • 剧情 悬疑 惊悚 海外 欧美 
  • Maite Perroni Ana Layevska David Chocarro 
  • 贝卡是一名法医专家,在调查一起谋杀案时,她发现受害者的尸体看起来和她一模一样。贝卡是一名法医专家,在调查一同谋杀案时,她发现受益者的尸体看起来和她如出一辙。
  • 动作 战争 电影 
  • Lewis Collins Lee Van Cleef Donald Pleasence Manfred Lehmann 
  • Norway: 10
  • 隐藏在金三角毒贩子唐恩少校单方面要给毒品涨价,用武器换毒品的马兹里尼上校决定派去一支队伍,借着送武器的名义打入唐恩防守严密的地盘,炸毁几个毒品仓库,借此警告唐恩,于是马兹里尼上校找到了雇佣兵中最出色的  隐藏在金三角毒贩子唐恩少校单方面要给毒品涨价,用武器换毒品的马兹里尼上校决定派去一支队伍,借着送武器的名义打入唐恩防守严密的地盘,炸毁几个毒品仓库,借此警告唐恩,于是马兹里尼上校找到了雇佣兵中最出色的科尔比少校。另一方面为了查出药品管理局里谁在做鸦片生意,卡尔森派特工梅森混入希考克的雇佣兵队伍,让他拿出唐恩存资料的光盘,拿到光盘就能知道谁是间谍了。威廉姆斯是特工希考克的上级,为了拿到那张光盘,让希考克整容,变成了梅森的样子,扣下了真正的梅森。于是科尔比少校夹杂着几方势力的雇佣兵队伍出发了。在路上,经历艰难险阻,他们成功粉碎了翻译迪克洛和强盗里应外合的抢劫计划,终于到了唐恩的地盘,双方开战,希考克拿到了那张光盘,在关键时刻,一个雇佣兵莱宁斯和科尔比的朋友康果启动了炸弹,将唐恩的地盘炸得粉碎。最后只有科尔比和希考克胜利逃出来,所有人都死了。科尔比识破了希...
  • 剧情 音乐 
  • Hamed Seydou Abby 6ix Guè Pequeno 
  • 103分钟
  • 出生于米兰的蒂托和帕科兄弟俩有着同一个梦想:闯入说唱界,让人们听见他们的声音。帕科仿若为舞台而生,蒂托写出的歌词更是非同龄人可比。他们似乎注定成功,然而在波澜起伏的三十年情感旅途中,野心、生活与爱情将出生于米兰的蒂托和帕科兄弟俩有着同一个梦想:闯入说唱界,让人们听见他们的声响。帕科仿若为舞台而生,蒂托写出的歌词更是非同龄人可比。他们似乎注定成功,但是在波涛坎坷的三十年情感旅途中,野心、生活与爱情将考验他们的兄弟友谊。
  • 伦理 
  • Jake McLeod Jonathan Bosco Daniel Giverin 
  • 其他名字:月之南 英文名字:South of the Moon,一个12岁男孩爱的初体验以及整个家庭的爱恨与离别。其他名字:月之南 英文名字:South of the Moon,一个12岁男孩爱的初体验以及整个家庭的爱恨与分手。
  • 伦理 
  • Florinda Bolkan Daniela Poggi Serena Grandi Anna Maria Petrova Letizia Raco Fabrizia Flanders Slava Racheva 
  • The former dancer of the night clubs come to her hometown after three years of absence. At present sThe former dancer of the night clubs come to her hometown after three years of absence. At present she has a successful marriage, behind - tragedy of the suicide of her father. Olga starts getting threatening calls, following her wart on the bike. In short, someone is trying to mystify it in a natural way. A police officer investigating the case of the threat - her ex-lover, an...
  • 喜剧 恐怖 电影 
  • VincentLeeAlston DanieldeWeldon RebekahLynnDow 
  • IMDB 7.5A horror-comedy slasher set in the 80's about a woman wrongfully fired from her office job and forced to take on a temporary job on a crime scene cleanup crew. With a maniacal serial killer on the loose leaving them lots of work, did he ever leave the scene of the crime?