

  • 伦理 
  • Monica Guerritore Lorenzo Lena 
  • 别名: The Dark Side of Love / Hunger nach Zärtlichkeit / Plaisirs interdits, Les影片描述弟弟艾米里奥由于别名:TheDarkSideofLove/HungernachZauml;rtlichkeit/Plaisirsinterdits,Les影片描画弟弟艾米里奥由于体质不佳,从小不时在家中由母亲照顾。当母亲离世后,他独一的姐姐一位成功的女企业家帕特莉茜娅,卖掉自己的公司回到自己的故土来照顾弟弟。她鼓舞艾米里奥应该走出家中、分开电视机,去外面寻觅自己的世界:有新颖的空气、陆地、植物,结交冤家、恋人......教他学会了解和学会去爱,甚至用自己的性阅历来当故事讲述。但是事情并不像预期的那么单纯,最终却演出了一场姐弟之间怪异、错愕的乱论关系...
  • 动漫 
  • 浅沼晋太郎 雨宫天 石川界人 加隈亚衣 茅野爱衣 小林裕介 小松未可子 齐藤壮马 佐藤聪美 杉田智和 种田梨沙 津田健次郎 浪川大辅 早见沙织 日笠阳子 福山润 村濑步 森久保祥太郎 诸星堇 
  • 故事产生 在一个虚拟的奇幻世界之中。在这里,相对应的两人将手牵在一起,所产生的心灵连结“宁录”能够成为拥有着强大力 大举 量的武器。在传说中,这个世界上存在着掌控着一切的神,只要将神打败,就能够实现内故事产生 在一个虚拟的奇幻世界之中。在这里,相对应的两人将手牵在一起,所产生的心灵连结“宁录”能够成为拥有着强大力 大举 量的武器。在传说中,这个世界上存在着掌控着一切的神,只要将神打败,就能够实现内心最强烈的愿望。恒久 以来,握手者们都将打败神作为目标,不绝 地战斗着,而一切因果的汇聚点就在大阪。高槻手纲(齐藤壮马 配音)是对机械十分着迷的男子高中生,一次偶然中,他在研究室里邂逅了昏睡中的少女芥川小署理 (诸星堇 配音)。手纲牵住了小署理 的手,想不到小署理 竟然从昏睡中醒来,两人成为了搭档。
  • 内地综艺 综艺 
  • 邓紫棋 郎朗 欧阳娜娜 周震南 梁龙 朴树 
  • 《明日之子乐团季》以“有一群伙伴,比啥都浪漫”为节目口号,由邓紫棋、郎朗、欧阳娜娜、周震南和梁龙组成“明日教师团”,分别从唱作实力、器乐演奏、舞台经验、音乐态度等角度,在热血高校的配景 设定下,助力音《明日之子乐团季》以“有一群伙伴,比啥都浪漫”为节目口号,由邓紫棋、郎朗、欧阳娜娜、周震南和梁龙组成“明日教师团”,分别从唱作实力、器乐演奏、舞台经验、音乐态度等角度,在热血高校的配景 设定下,助力音乐才子们找寻志同道合的乐团伙伴,配合 背负梦想,最终组建一支有态度、有实力的五人新生代乐团。
  • 伦理 
  • 弗兰科·尼罗 丽莎·佳丝托妮 Raymond Pellegrin 
  • 1940年法国前大举入侵。 ELIANE(丽莎Gastoni)是一个-剂师,谁是她沉闷的丈夫结婚,并有一个十几岁的女儿。 ELIANE是一个有吸引力的女人,让她的热情,秋季休眠。一天晚上,-店店员做一1940年法国前大举入侵。 ELIANE(丽莎Gastoni)是一个-剂师,谁是她活跃的丈夫结婚,并有一个十几岁的女儿。 ELIANE是一个有吸引力的女人,让她的热情,春季休眠。一天早晨,-店店员做一张通行证在她,当他以为她是另一个女孩。不久,她让热情逾越她,她很快就成为他的性奴隶。  
  • 剧情 动作 悬疑 西部 
  • 殷昊泽 蒋菲 陈升卫 谢宁 
  • The film tells that in the barren desert, the capability is everything. Bounty hunter Ye Feng acceptThe film tells that in the barren desert, the capability is everything. Bounty hunter Ye Feng accepted Fourth Master He's task of avenging his son. He killed the murderer and got a bag of gold. Unexpectedly, this bag of gold was tricked by the murderer from Brother San’s gambling house, who was called Desert Overlord. With Brother San getting angry, Zhao He and others were arranged to hunt and kill Ye Feng to the nameless motel operated by Madam Jiu. At that time, Ye Feng and Liu Shengyan fell in love. In the small motel, there were all forces that heard about the gold. And when everyone was trapped in the motel due to a big sandstorm, the gold suddenly disappeared. Then, the apparent calm was immediately broken and everyone instantly began to suspect and fight against each other.
  • 剧情 家庭 
  • 潘时七 方妤萌 唐群 苗贺程 郁飞扬 石峯 
  • Kind-hearted Liu Yun (played by Fang Yumeng) was abandoned by her husband after he found out she wasKind-hearted Liu Yun (played by Fang Yumeng) was abandoned by her husband after he found out she was a widow and previously had a daughter. She finds Liu Yecheng (played by Shi Feng), a ruffian who knows the whereabouts of her daughter, Yao Yao (played by Yu Feiyang). She also quits her job at the university and begins selling rolled pancakes in order to raise money. Liu Yecheng finds Yao Yao's foster mother, Mei Lin (played by Pan Shiqi), and threatens her for a huge amount of money. Mei Lin turns to her cold parents-in-law who chased her out for help, while Yao Yao is secretly taken away by Liu Yun who has followed them there. As Liu Yun's depression worsens, she brings Yao Yao, who is in critical condition, to hide on the rooftop of a building in a desperate situation...
  • 惊悚 恐怖 悬疑 
  • 李彦明 杨小米 王南 张婧婧 谭阔阔 李欣霏 麻家铭 
  • There is no ghost in the world. Ghosts are the demons hidden in people's hearts. If the inner demonsThere is no ghost in the world. Ghosts are the demons hidden in people's hearts. If the inner demons make mischief, unreasonable and terrible things will happen, and it will induce people to commit crimes. This story is cleverly designed with an illusionary approach to exorcise the demons in people's hearts without reaching the evil consequences of committing crimes. This way, people can clear the air and live in harmony. This is a youthful and inspirational film story that explains the truth and promotes reconciliation.
  • 剧情 动作 
  • 樊少皇 熊欣欣 李牧芸 杨千里 黄益龙 王洪千 高维蔓 沈琳珺 董奎佐 李磊 李振邦 
  • During the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have aDuring the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have a memory loss and was taken in by Master Hui Yuan, the Abbot of Southern Shaolin Temple. To protect the folks from the harassment of pirates, the monks of Southern Shaolin Temple were even willing to risk their own lives. It greatly touched Cai Yan, who never had any faith in gods or heaven. In the end, Cai Yan became one of the Fierce Buddha Warriors, the patron of the area.
  • 剧情 喜剧 爱情 欧美 
  • 莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 克里斯汀·戴维斯 辛西娅·尼克松 克里斯·诺斯 伊万·汉德勒 萨莉塔·乔德霍里 
  • HBO Max将制作《欲望都市》的10集复活限定剧,剧名定为《就这样... And Just Like That…》。故事将讲述Carrie、Miranda和Charlotte面对50多岁的复杂人生和HBO Max将制造《愿望都市》的10集复生限定剧,剧名定为《就这样... And Just Like That…》。故事将讲述Carrie、Miranda和Charlotte面对50多岁的复杂人生和友谊。                                                                    Sarah Jessica Parker、Kristin Davis和Cynthia Nixon确认回归,Kim Cattrall列席。回归的三人将和电影版编导Michael Patrick King共同担任执行制片。
  • 剧情 动画 奇幻 日本动漫 动漫 
  • 内山昂辉 户松遥 细见大辅 后藤沙绪里 樱井孝宏 牧野由依 三矢雄二 浅野真由美 菊池正美 金尾哲夫 白川周作 中谷一博 高桥直纯 柿原彻也 
  • 23
  • 故事发生在遥远的未来时代,日本财政陷入了巨大的危机之中,就在国家即将崩溃之时,一个名为“SovereignWealthFund”的金融机构出现,成功的挽救了摇摇欲坠的日本。尽管经济危机得到了缓解,但城故事发作在悠远的未来时代,日本财政堕入了庞大的危机之中,就在国度行将解体之时,一个名为“SovereignWealthFund”的金融机构出现,成功的拯救了摇摇欲坠的日本。虽然经济危机失掉了缓解,但城市却因耐久以来的缺乏管理而堕入了混乱,失业率、自杀率和立功率急速上升。余贺公麿(内山昂辉配音)的母亲早逝,父亲亦不知所踪,在舅母的抚养下长大成人的他就读于经济学部。家庭暖和的缺失让公麿十分盼望可以拥有一个坚定的家,某一日,他在银行中遇见了一位微妙的女子真坂木(樱井孝宏配音),女子以公麿的未来作为抵押,借给了公麿大批金钱,公麿就此进入了异空间“金融街”,在那里,有许多和他一样失掉了未来的人们,靠着战役来完成各自的梦想。