

  • 剧情 动作 电影 
  • 樊少皇 熊欣欣 沈琳珺 
  • 75
  • 民国时代,海盗帮主蔡炎(樊少皇饰)遭受陷害。后假借失忆被南少林寺方丈慧远禅师收容。面对海盗追杀南少林门生用血肉之躯维护乡亲,也作用了不信天地的蔡炎,辅助他发展为维护一方水土的“怒目金刚”的故事。平易近国时代,海盗帮主蔡炎(樊少皇饰)遭受谗谄。后假借掉忆被南少林寺住持慧远禅师收收留。面临海盗追杀南少林学生用血肉之躯保护同乡,也劝化了不信六合的蔡炎,辅佐他开展为保护一方水土的“怒目金刚”的故事。
  • 剧情 动作 
  • 樊少皇 熊欣欣 李牧芸 杨千里 黄益龙 王洪千 高维蔓 沈琳珺 董奎佐 李磊 李振邦 
  • During the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have aDuring the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have a memory loss and was taken in by Master Hui Yuan, the Abbot of Southern Shaolin Temple. To protect the folks from the harassment of pirates, the monks of Southern Shaolin Temple were even willing to risk their own lives. It greatly touched Cai Yan, who never had any faith in gods or heaven. In the end, Cai Yan became one of the Fierce Buddha Warriors, the patron of the area.