

  • 剧情 爱情 战争 电影 
  • 列夫·波里索夫 弗拉迪米尔·伊瓦绍夫 Vladimir Ivashov Zhanna Prokhorenko 小谢尔盖·波德洛夫 格奥尔吉·尤玛托夫 Gennadi Yukhtin Valentina Telegina 
  • 卫国战争的严峻岁月,通讯兵阿廖沙用反坦克枪击毁了德军的两辆坦克。将军接见了阿廖沙,要为他请奖。阿廖沙请求将军不必为他授奖。他只希望准许他回家去探望一次母亲,替母亲修补一下屋顶。将军同意了他的请求,给了卫国战争的严峻岁月,通讯兵阿廖沙用反坦克枪击毁了德军的两辆坦克将军接见了阿廖沙,要为他请奖。阿廖沙请求将军不必为他授奖。他只希望准许他回家去探望一次母亲,替母亲修补一下屋顶。将军同意了他的请求,给了他六天假期:路途往返四天,在家呆两天。阿廖沙踏上了归途。一路上他遇到了很多人,表现出他的善良、对人的关心和他的纯洁的心灵。当他赶回家乡时,不巧母亲又在地里干活,带到母子相见时,只来得及匆匆拥抱一下,把头巾送给了母亲,说上三两句话,就又要返回前线了。临走时,他答应母亲一定回来。然而阿廖沙再也没有回来,他已被埋葬在远离故土的异国。从此母亲总是穿着一身黑衣服,站在村口凝望着远方。
  • 爱情 战争 剧情 电影 
  • Izolda Izvitskaya 奥列格·斯特里仁诺夫  
  • 豆瓣 6.0联新浪潮影戏 的首部力作!导演格·丘赫莱依的人性三部曲之一影片细腻地展现了主人公玛留特卡庞大 的内心世界,令人信服地体现 了其人性与阶级性的情感 交织,精美的拍摄画面转达 出人物情感的汹涌波涛和矛盾辩论 的紧张尖锐。特别指出的是饰演 奥特洛克的是著名的苏联演员奥·斯特里仁诺夫,他主演的《牛虻》曾是五十年代中国人推崇的偶像。而该片的摄影师也建立 了"乌鲁谢夫斯基摄影学派"并加入 拍摄拍摄了格·丘赫莱依的另一部的金棕榈奖影片《雁南飞》。为影片配乐的是曾为影戏 史上的恢宏之作《波坦金战舰》和1954戛纳奖影片《石普卡的英雄》配乐的Nikolai Kryukov--超强制作阵容创作出的这部苏联经典影片,以一种英雄主义和浪漫主义完美结合而赢得戛纳国际影戏 节特别奖。
  • 战争 电影 
  • Nina Drobysheva Yevgeni Urbansky 
  • One of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in thrOne of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in three parts. The first is the swooning romance of Sasha and pilot Aleksei, who scrupulously determines that Sasha has graduated school before succumbing to her aggressive pursuit of him. Chukhrai establishes a strenuous camera style, consisting of swooping movement punctuated by tight closeups, which he carries over to the second part, the couple’s wartime separation. (The couple by fiat consider themselves married—a nice anti-bureaucratic touch.) One passage, where Sasha hopes to catch a glimpse of her father in a troop train passing through, is visually hysterical due to this “style.” Word arrives that Aleksei’s plane has been shot down; the nation proclaims him a dead hero. Sasha bears Aleksei’s son and still hopes her beloved will return. The war ends, and he does. Part Three is narratively elliptical and, visually, mostly subdued—a different style; a different film, given the narrative through-line. Stripped of his “posthumous” medal, as well as his Communist Party membership, Aleksei turns to drink; his crime is that he survived, from which cowardice or even collaboration with the enemy can be deduced. (Apparently Aleksei was unconscious when he was caught and imprisoned by Germans.) Aleksei keeps petitioning for Party reinstatement, but after confronting a statue of Stalin even he loses confidence in his cause! Stalin dies, and everything is set right. Aleksei looks on with pride as the son who disdained him lands a plane from the now clear sky!The film was produced during the short period in the Khrushchev administration when criticism of the abuse of power under Stalin's leadership was accepted; within three years, Brezhnev had risen to power and this sort of commentary would once again be forbidden.Действие происходит в СССР в 1950-е годы.Лётчик Алексей Астахов воевал и попал в плен, потом бежал. В мирное время Алексей столкнулся с недоверием и подозрительностью - как военнослужащий, побывавший в плену и тем самым "запятнавший моральный облик советского летчика". Алексей страдает, не может найти работу по профессии и место в жизни. Его спасает любовь Саши Львовой, которую она пронесла через войну и все трудности послевоенного времени. После смерти Сталина Астахова вызывают в Минобороны, где возвращают звезду Героя Советского Союза. Алексей возвращается в авиаотряд и испытывает самолеты.