

  • 爱情 剧情 电影 
  • 罗密·施奈德 霍斯特·布赫霍尔茨 豪斯特·巴奇霍兹 Mara Lane Boy Gobert Olive Moorefield Bum Krüger Iska Geri 
  • A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is perfectly innocent but the reason why the pants are there is as humouristic as incredible. So when he tells the truth she gets very angry though she was prepared to"forgive" his"side step". Another pattern is much more serious. Anne-Claire fears th...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 波姬·小丝 豪斯特·巴奇霍兹 朗贝尔·维尔森 
  • 豆瓣 6.0年轻性感的黛儿(布鲁克雪德丝)在父亲死后,决定代父完成生前的志愿,于是她女扮男装,加入 了1927年横越非洲 撒哈拉 沙漠的赛车大赛这样艰困的远程 角逐 ,对一个娇弱的女子而言,实在是难上加难,当黛儿踏上旅程后,却因为本地 游牧民族之间的争战而落难,酿成 阶下囚,好在一名年轻勇敢的酋长将她救出重返角逐 后的黛儿,竟然又遭到另一名沙漠恶霸的陷害,被丢入了一只黑豹的笼子中…此时,黛儿挣扎在对父亲的允许 、与对救命恩人的爱恋中,她是否能在完成父亲的心愿下,仍不失心中的热情呢?