

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 王挺 索朗卓嘎 巴金旺甲 庄庆宁 蔡卫东 宦普凡 张风 李先亮 刘奕 柳秉钰 陈思宇 王子今 赵军凯 孙学增 哈全贵 杨皓宇 欧戈兰·哈里木拜克 何润达 李佳琪 旦正道尔吉 
  • 99分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A本片讲述1954年慕生忠将军带领部队两次向西藏运粮,过沼泽,遇土匪,越高山,抗缺氧,狂风冰雪,肆意狂虐,终于到了拉萨,却损失惨重,二万八千头骆驼几乎全军覆没。慕生忠将军萌发修筑青藏公路的想法。他的想法得到了彭德怀和周恩来的支持,修路队在修路过程中遇到各种困难:驼工闹情绪,修路资源短缺,气候环境恶劣,战士饿死,修路工生病等等,慕生忠将军用他坚定的信念和智慧,最终克服各种苦难,仅用了七个月零四天,在世界屋脊上修建了全线2100公里的青藏公路,为西北人民和藏区人民带来无限福音。
  • 剧情 惊悚 悬疑 古装 
  • 郑国霖 陈梦希 袁福福 吴名 岳冬峰 任逍遥 周媛媛 王子今 
  • In the early years of Tiansheng during the Northern Song Dynasty, brothers of the Qi family, a tomb-In the early years of Tiansheng during the Northern Song Dynasty, brothers of the Qi family, a tomb-making clan, triggered a"zombification" phenomenon when they dug a grave late at night. The elder brother died on the spot, while the younger brother went insane. Rumors of a murderous corpse spread through the population, terrifying the people of Gong'an County. The investigating censor at the time, Bao Zheng, received the shocking news of the death of his master, Hu Yong. Together with his bodyguard Zhan Zhao, they set out for the place where he had learned his art - Gong'an County. Only then did Bao Zheng discover that his master was the source of the"zombification" rumors. When the team entered the city to investigate, they came across a number of cases where the victims were skinned. Little did he know, the investigation into his master's death would later lead to the case of a missing young girl, which had been dropped and forgotten for years.