

  • 喜剧 剧情 电影 
  • 北村昭博 桥本麻衣 美保纯 Takuya Matsumoto 有田哲平 杉山彦彦 奥野瑛太 
  • 讲述的是Mighty在《8,000 Miles 1》之后遭遇失败的故事。在《8,000 Miles 1》的结尾,他与嘻哈组合shogung的一ku和Tom分道扬镳,前往东京。强大的人能对埋在他内心某处讲述的是Mighty在《8,000Miles1》之后遭遇失败的故事在《8,000Miles1》的结尾,他与嘻哈组合shogung的一ku和Tom分道扬镳,前往东京。强大的人能对埋在他内心某处的小小灵魂保持信心吗?
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 山田雅史 山崎一 金静华 刘荷娜 杉山彦彦 池津祥子 宇野祥平 
  • Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after seRyo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after sending the rest of the band off, he decides to take a taxi from Tokyo to Seoul. The road to Seoul is a non-stop series of surprises; When his Japanese taxi arrives in Busan, the local taxi drivers are surprised and try to race them; they get swept into the middle of training for the reserve forces; also meet strange people along the way. Ryo finally arrives in Seoul only to find that the concert...