

  • 武侠 动作 剧情 优酷出品 网络大电影 电影 
  • 朱子奇 陈烨林 李文君 
  • 豆瓣 3.0我来也(朱子奇 饰)邂逅了一位琴女,此琴女名叫王竹君(李文君 饰)因其丈夫嗜赌,她不得不在酒馆中卖艺来维系这个残破不堪的家。短暂的相处中,我来也与王竹君之间萌发了恋爱 ,面对这份情感 ,双方都不知所措。这份情感 并非出自于本能和欲望,它对付 我来也有着一份更深层的意义。顶着王竹君的丈夫以及周遭恶霸组织的多重压力,面对这份陌生但却撩人心弦的情感 ,我来也该如何应对……
  • 武侠 动作 剧情 优酷出品 网络大电影 电影 
  • 朱子奇 蒋蕊泽 胡溪格 
  • 豆瓣 2.0镇上准备进行剑道交锋 ,胜者可以获得一把绝世名剑和交锋 主办者田家女儿田阿彩各局势 力都因各不相同的目的为这场交锋 做准备,殊不知镇子上一位隐居的独眼怪人也一直在暗中窥视这场交锋 以及田家的名剑。在几方争夺宝剑的过程中,独眼怪人一时糊涂犯下弥天大错。几家的命运就此改变……
  • 剧情 动作 古装 电影 
  • 朱子奇 应超男 卢易 
  • 一名怀抱着婴儿的女子被盗匪追杀,我来也将其解救,女子临终将婴儿托付我来也,并寻找婴儿生父;我来也曾一度丢弃婴儿,但终良心不忍将其寻回;婴儿生病我来也身无分文不知所措,无奈下只得走进赌场;在赌刀中结识了  我来也在解救被匪徒追杀的妇人后,不料却被其临终托付婴孩给自己;就这样婴儿变成了孤儿,浪客当起了“奶爸”。这突如其来的责任,让我来也不知所措,甚至曾一度欲将孤儿遗弃。在保护孤儿并寻找其生父的历险中,我们看到了一个市井浪客的心理矛盾以及演变过程。
  • 脱口秀 综艺 
  • 朱子奇 
  • 10
  • 《不吐不快》第一季节目现已播出完毕,第二季《不吐不快·十日谈》已于2013年11月11日推出,2014年4月13日完结。每期主题紧扣时下热点时事热门、奇闻异事,以“无节操、无廉耻、无颜面”为底线,在嬉《不吐不快》第一季节目现已播出完毕,第二季《不吐不快·十日谈》已于2013年11月11日推出,2014年4月13日完结。每期主题紧扣时下热点时事热门、奇闻异事,以“无节操、无廉耻、无颜面”为底线,在嬉笑怒骂中主持人老湿特立独行秀出本性、秀出青春,娱乐民众。  节目重磅推出互动环节,著名新锐导演叫兽易小星、著名配音集团CUCN201、著名青年作家里八神等好基友在节目首组“知心哥哥解答团”解答众网友的种种疑难杂症。
  • 剧情 动作 武侠 古装 
  • 朱子奇 陈烨林 李文君 程枫 郑伟云 鲜文青 华若琪 董译隆 
  • Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) encountered a woman who plays zither for a living. Her name was Wang Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) encountered a woman who plays zither for a living. Her name was Wang Zhujun (starred by Li Wenjun). As her husband was addicted to gambling, she had no choice but to perform in wine houses, trying to hold together the broken family. In the short time that they spent together, love blossomed between Wo Laiye and Wang Zhujun. Both were flustered by their feelings. This was not a love born from instinct nor desire; to Wo Laiye, it held a deeper significance. As pressures from Wang Zhujun's husband and the tyrannical forces pressed down on him from all around, what should Wo Laiye do...
  • 动作 武侠 古装 
  • 朱子奇 蒋蕊泽 溪格 孙磊 
  • A swordsmanship tournament was ready to begin in town, and the winner would be rewarded with an unriA swordsmanship tournament was ready to begin in town, and the winner would be rewarded with an unrivaled sword, and the daughter of the tournament organizer, Tian Acai. Different people were preparing for the tournament out of their own causes, and a strange solitary with only one eye in town was also prying about the game and the distinguished sword of the Tian family. In the middle of the contest, the one-eye man made a huge mistake in a thoughtless moment. The fate of several families has been altered since then...
  • 动作 武侠 古装 
  • 朱子奇 蔡荣 乔卫东 刘新义 
  • Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) is put into prison but saved by the local government official Mr. YanWo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) is put into prison but saved by the local government official Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang has a son who is addicted to gambling. During a gambling session, his son was trapped by the casino owner, Mr. Lei, and fell into huge gambling debt. Mr. Yang has always been an upright and honest official, so he is not able to pay back his son’s debts. After Wo Laiye knows about that, he privately raised hundreds of tael of gold and anonymously gave them to Mr. Yang to help him get through tough times. However, Wo Laiye committed murders and was wanted when he was raising the gold. Mr. Yang’s son, the reformed man, decided to repay Wo Laiye’s kindness in his own way after he realized that the wanted man is the one who had greatly helped his family.
  • 剧情 动作 武侠 古装 
  • 朱子奇 李八鸿 陈芳彤 
  • During the reign of Tianzheng, the one-eyed swordsman Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) got involved inDuring the reign of Tianzheng, the one-eyed swordsman Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) got involved in the fierce contest for power. The man to whom Wo Laiye was much grateful had been murdered by the most powerful military officer in the imperial court. As a result, Wo Laiye was forced to run away and had to undergo countless risks brushing past death through hunting, killing and vengeance. The frequently displaced Wo Laiye came to the Cross town and lived in an inn where he enjoyed a temporarily quiet life with the owner Mr. Huang and his daughter Huang Xuerong (starred by Lin Qianlu). The quiet life did not last long, however, the secluded Wo Laiye was dragged into the strife between two local tyrants: the Yans and the Zhaos. Wo Laiye had to counterplot and engage in the overt and covert struggle of the local despots to protect the town and the inn.
  • 剧情 动作 武侠 古装 
  • 朱子奇 应超男 辰夫 
  • A woman with a baby in her arms was chased by bandits. Wo Laiye came to rescue her. Before the womanA woman with a baby in her arms was chased by bandits. Wo Laiye came to rescue her. Before the woman died, she entrusted the baby to Wo Laiye's care and asked Wo Laiye to help look for the baby's biological father. Wo Laiye also abandoned the baby once, but his conscience couldn't bear it, so he finally found the baby back. Then the baby was sick and Wo Laiye had no money. Wo Laiye was at a loss, so he had no choice but to walk into a casino. In the gambling, Wo Laiye met Sima Junren, a man with integrity and superb martial arts skills. After being imprisoned due to a casino fight, Wo Laiye accidentally found clues of the biological father of the baby. After going through a lot of dangers, Wo Laiye finally returned the baby to his biological father. Unexpectedly, Wo Laiye was rejected and he was even involved in a shocking secret of the Sacrificial Spirits Party... Destiny connected Wo Laiye to the orphan and they were bound to each other. How will it end?