

  • 喜剧 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • Beata Bandurska Karolina Rzepa 米洛斯拉夫·兹布罗邹维奇 安德烈·格拉博夫斯基 
  • After a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing hAfter a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing home. While the police are on their heels, the gang continues their activities at the center, giving its elderly residents a second youth.
  • 剧情 生活 电影 
  • 切瓦特·埃加福特 诺玛·杜梅温尼 爱伊莎·玛依卡 JosephMarcell LemogangTsipa MaxwellSimba LilyBanda BeatusBleMsamange KelvinMaxwellNgoma 
  • 豆瓣 8.0改编自William Kamkwamba所著自传《驭风男孩》(The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind),讲述一个转变人生的故事:Kamkwamba本人在13岁那年,以小块金属废物 、旧自行车零件和木材修建了风轮机,拯救了自己的乡村  。  13岁的Kamkwamba因家里没钱交80美元一年的学费而被学校开除,酷爱学习的他溜到学校的图书馆,找到了一种拯救饥馑乡村  的方法 :用父亲的自行车的主架打造了一个简陋但可行的风车,为西部地区 供给  了急需的电力,不受政府断电的滋扰 。这个发明 也让Kamkwamba得到马拉维一名教授的赞助 ,获得学校的奖学金,并于非洲大陆其他的发明 者进行深刻交换。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Starring Lisa Martinek Beat Marti 
  •       After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie   Afterhiscompanygoesbankrupt,Charlescommitssuicide.Nowleftonherown,hiswidowMarieisshockedtofindoutthathealsohadamountainofpersonaldebt.  Charles&rsqu
  • 喜剧 海外 欧美 
  • Beata Bandurska Karolina Rzepa 米洛斯拉夫·兹布罗邹维奇 安德烈·格拉博夫斯基 
  • After a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing hAfter a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing home. While the police are on their heels, the gang continues their activities at the center, giving its elderly residents a second youth.