

  • 搞笑 亲子 日本动漫 动漫 
  • 内详 
  • 豆瓣 6.0双叶幼儿园的游园会快到了,往年都市 在游园会里跳春日部舞,但今年松阪老师却突然提议要跳森巴,不外 马上受到吉永老师和上尾老师的大力 大举 阻挡 ,最终也只好不了了之奇怪的是,第二天在幼儿园里,吉永老师却大力 大举 向园长建议游园会上应该跳热情的森巴……
  • 剧情 动作 悬疑 西部 
  • 殷昊泽 蒋菲 陈升卫 谢宁 
  • The film tells that in the barren desert, the capability is everything. Bounty hunter Ye Feng acceptThe film tells that in the barren desert, the capability is everything. Bounty hunter Ye Feng accepted Fourth Master He's task of avenging his son. He killed the murderer and got a bag of gold. Unexpectedly, this bag of gold was tricked by the murderer from Brother San’s gambling house, who was called Desert Overlord. With Brother San getting angry, Zhao He and others were arranged to hunt and kill Ye Feng to the nameless motel operated by Madam Jiu. At that time, Ye Feng and Liu Shengyan fell in love. In the small motel, there were all forces that heard about the gold. And when everyone was trapped in the motel due to a big sandstorm, the gold suddenly disappeared. Then, the apparent calm was immediately broken and everyone instantly began to suspect and fight against each other.
  • 动作 武侠 短片 
  • 马云 托尼·贾 向佐 吴京 刘承羽 邹市明 朝青龙 甄子丹 李连杰 佟大为 黄晓明 李晨 邵晓锋 
  • This is Mr. Ma's first appearance in a movie, he has been practicing Tai Ji for many years, and he hThis is Mr. Ma's first appearance in a movie, he has been practicing Tai Ji for many years, and he hopes to help spread traditional Chinese culture to the world. The film also features Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Jason Wu, Shiming Zou, Asashoryu, Tony Jaa, Jacky, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, martial arts director Woo Ping Yuen, Sammo Hung and Siu-Tung Ching. The entire crew worked together to honor the legends of Chinese martial arts and share Chinese culture with the world through this film.
  • 搞笑 动漫 
  • 河村梨惠 东山奈央 津田健次郎 赤崎千夏 佐仓绫音 
  • 以森下裕美老师的《少年阿贝》为原作的动画新作!小学1年级生少年阿贝与胡麻斑海豹小芝麻的日常生活,讲述了他们的家和学校,以及住所附近的邻居们快乐的每一天!以森下裕美老师的《少年阿贝》为原作的动画新作!小学1年级生少年阿贝与胡麻斑海豹小芝麻的日常生活,讲述了他们的家和学校,以及住所附近的邻居们快乐的每一天!
  • 剧情 悬疑 科幻 
  • 李颖 龚小钧 梁焯满 李涛亮 程东 郝婷婷 
  • Year 2048, the City of Unlimited. Wu Ming and six other companions entered a newly developed game, aYear 2048, the City of Unlimited. Wu Ming and six other companions entered a newly developed game, an adventure park that would only open its gates at midnight. They went on a thrilling yet danger-filled adventure. At the start of the game, Wu Ming and his friends were ambushed by a mysterious man. As they delved deeper into the game, they uncovered the secret of the adventure park. With his unwavering faith and willpower, Wu Ming won and became the king of the game. In the game, Wu Ming met his mother, who had long passed away. In the end, he finally understood how great the love of a mother can truly be.
  • 动作 冒险 悬疑 
  • 欧上上 温川杰 韦雨贝 胡范范 王梓安 陈潇潇 
  • Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like two funny guys who tend to get into various troubles. In an activity, Gao Dawei and Shou Bo seized the antiques of Li Taikun, but it wasn’t a normal case of theft. Li Taikun fell from a building and died in the middle of a party, and clues led to the bronze drum in Li’s collection. It turned out that the bronze drum was the reason why criminal gangs and mysterious people kept coming after Li. As Gao Dawei followed the leads, he found out more information about the ancestor of the Four Sacred Creatures bronze drum, in Li Taikun’s collection, including its location. Meanwhile, it seems like there was a mole in the team who had been in contact with a group of grave robbers. Bai Mao and his men arrived at the spot, too. Can Gao Dawei crack the riddles in the end after so many obstacles? A stormy battle of wit and courage is on the horizon.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 洼冢洋介 柴崎幸 细山田隆人 山本太郎 新井浩文 山崎努 
  • 杉原(洼冢洋介 饰)是高中三年级生,性格暴戾好斗,拳术了得,而这些都来源于他父亲的教导。他的父亲三年前借着去夏威夷之名,暗中从朝鲜国籍换成了韩国国籍。但是,在日本的韩国人身份一直是生杉原的心结。 杉原杉原(洼冢洋介 饰)是高中三年级生,性格暴戾好斗,拳术了得,而这些都来源于他父亲的教导。他的父亲三年前借着去夏威夷之名,暗中从朝鲜国籍换成了韩国国籍。但是,在日本的韩国人身份一直是生杉原的心结。 杉原在学校交了不少猪朋狗友,大家一起打架玩乐。众朋友中,成绩好的只有正一,而在杉原心目中,正一才是他最亲密的朋友。 女孩樱井(柴崎幸 饰)和杉原相恋。樱井把他带回家给父母认识,双方家长见面,并不十分融洽,而一对恋人只管偷偷的在房间里亲吻。 日子就这样一天天流逝。直到正一意外被不良少年刺死,生活又起了波涛……
  • 综艺 
  • 未知 
  • 《苏GOOD》(So Good),是香港tvb首个外判予独立制作公司(好合拍制作有限公司)所制作的饮食节目。节目由苏施黄主持。另设嘉宾主持泰山及Kendy Lee(第1辑)、李蔚琳(Esther)(第《苏GOOD》(So Good),是香港tvb首个外判予独立制造公司(好合拍制造有限公司)所制造的饮食节目。节目由苏施黄掌管。另设嘉宾掌管泰山及Kendy Lee(第1辑)、李蔚琳(Esther)(第2-5季)。 《苏GOOD》每集会由苏施黄亲身下厨,并教诲一些独门秘方,如梅菜炆五花腩、洋葱猪扒、凉拌苦瓜、番茄炒蛋等。阿苏除了煮食了得外,亦自有一套煮食哲学。在本节目中,阿苏将会由浅入深教大家煮食之道,每集都会以不同的素材,在教大家煮之馀,让观众了解她对食的了解及看法。自2008年开播以来,已推出第五时节目。\r
  • 真人秀 综艺 
  • 张东民 张水院  
  • Let's Go时间探险队第3季Let's Go时间探险队第3季
  • 真人秀 综艺 
  • 张东民 刘相务 曹世镐  
  • Let's Go时间探险队第2季Let's Go时间探险队第2季